So why do they censor it – the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising – inspiration for your existence?
Guttmann: Hello
Ofer: Shalom Professor Guttmann and Happy New Year
Guttmann: Happy New Year
Ofer: This is Ofer speaking
Guttmann: Yes, I recognize your voice
Ofer: Good, great. How are you?
Guttmann: Ah, fine. And how are you coming along with your writing?
Ofer: I'm doing well. you teach me a lot without even realizing you're teaching me.
Guttmann: You already know. I hardly need to teach you.
Ofer: As I told you, I'm interested in the point of social connection (within the Uprising).
Guttmann: That connection was extraordinary. Yes, and the connection was not for the sake of themselves and feeling connected, but for the sake of society.
Ofer: True, true. That’s what fascinates me, that once upon a time there was such a thing, but nowadays we don’t see it.
Guttmann: Yes, true.
So why does the head of Yad Vashem censor me?
And what does Professor Guttmann, one of the founders of Yad Vashem, think of the current Yad Vashem head?
More on that in the coming chapters…
Ofer, named for the woman who rebelled against imperviousness.